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Recording at Golden Wave Studio - Andover, Hampshire Recording Studio


From bands to singer / songwriters, our recording service is all about capturing your songs in the best light.  We take pride in creating a vibey environment that's comfortable & inspiring without sacrificing sound quality. 


Whether you're wanting radio-ready tracks for an album / EP / single or simply looking to use our space to demo material, Golden Wave Studio will meet the needs of everyone. 


We consider editing an essential stage in music production if you want your recordings to sound as professional as possible.  Even though capturing great performances is paramount, instruments & vocals often need some form of editing to meet today's production standards. 


We use the term 'editing' broadly as it encompasses many production techniques such as time-aligning, vocal tuning, phase-aligning, comping multiple takes together and removing erroneous noise from audio files.  Simply put, editing is all about cleaning up tracks so that they are presentable yet stay true to the vision of the song or project.  

Audio Mixing Pult


Ask someone why they like a particular song and you'll often get a reply such as "I love the sound & melody of the vocals", "the drums sound huge" or "the ambience of the track feels really moody".


In our opinion, mixing is all about enhancing these qualities - instruments & vocals have a real sense of space, there's a nice blend of lows, mids & highs within the frequency spectrum, the level / volume of each track is just right and, overall, the production has a strong sense of clarity & punch.


 Get in touch if you want us to help your productions reach the next level!

Mastering & Mixing at Golden Wave Studio - Andover, Hampshire Recording Studio


Give your audio that radio-friendly treatment so it's ready for commercial consumption.  An often elusive & overlooked part of production, our mastering service provides the final layer of polish before you make it available to the world via iTunes, streaming services and physical media such as CD & vinyl.


Mastering involves a number of steps that includes making sure your audio meets loudness standards, correcting any tonal balance issues, stereo widening, harmonic excitement, subtle compression and more - we want your productions to be as breathtaking as possible! 

Recording Audio at Golden Wave Studio - Andover, Hampshire Recording Studio
Vocal Tuning at Golden Wave Studio - Andover, Hampshire Recording Studio

Dialogue Audio

Online Session Drumming

Vocal Tuning


Using the latest software & technology, we can capture high quality dialogue audio and clean it up into pristine condition.


Whether it's commercial audio for websites or advertisement, private audio for your business, audio for training purposes, podcasts or audiobooks, we can deliver clean productions free of distracting elements such as clicks, pops, breaths & plosives.


We can also provide evocative sound FX & soundtracks to enhance dialogue audio productions - just let us know upon your enquiry!

Simply put, email us your tracks from anywhere around the world and we will record & deliver professional, phase-aligned drum tracks without you having to step outside of your studio!


Our in-house drummer - who's racked up over 15 years of recording experience - will work to your brief or, given free rein, will create original & tasteful drum parts that'll take your song to the next level.

Captured an awesome, high-energy vocal recording but didn't quite nail the pitch?  Need some help tightening up an inexperienced singer?  Want those harmonies to sound absolutely pitch perfect? - this is the service for you!


Using a combination of Melodyne and Vocalign within Logic Pro X, we can tune your vocals to perfection in a natural way - or not so natural way, if that's the effect you're going for - so your recordings meet today's standards in vocal production.

Our time-aligning service is perfect for inexperienced engineers & producers who have tracks within a production that need tightening up, rhythmically.


Maybe the drums need editing to a metronome, the bass & guitars need to lock in better with one another or the vocals & harmonies aren't gelling with the instruments - if any of this sounds familiar, we can help.


Our completely transparent time-aligning editing techniques will help your productions sound tighter & punchier - after all, no one likes to listen to sloppy timing!

Guitarist Writing Song
Image by Sašo Tušar

Songwriting Consultation

Mixing Advice Consultation

Are you ready to record? Do you have everything prepared? Have you maximised the potential of the song?

Our songwriting consultations are 1 to 1, in person sessions to identify any areas for improvement.  This means that when the time comes to record your song, you are ready to go, optimising the experience and the end result.

Some of these discussions may involve, but are not limited to: finding the right tempo; pinning down / improving the structure of the song; advice for preparing you for a successful recording session; determining what direction you are heading in; discussing your influences; what your goals are and setting timelines.


Songwriting consultations are charged at our hourly rate.

Have you recorded a song and are looking for an experienced professional to help you get your mix to the next level?


Our mixing advice consultations are 1 to 1 sessions aimed at identifying how to maximise the potential of your mix before you consider releasing it.  This includes help with the general balance, panning, choice of effects, dynamics / contrast within the mix, editing / tuning of the parts and much more.


Mixing advice consultations are charged at our hourly rate.


© 2025 Golden Wave Studio 

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